This test can be taken by students of all categories and working professionals. Learning Assessment Test will access your learning skills and give you a report on what type of learner you are and the best recommendation to improve your learning.
For college students and professionals.
It will guide on what are the best career options for you. We provide best career counselling.
A student studying in college or a professional can take up this Assessment test after that it will give a report on whether you should go for M.Tech or MBA or other programs. If it is M.Tech students can prepare for Gate. If it is for MBA again they could consider going for CAT or management studies.
Also if their attitude /aptitude is to learn new technologies that is also recommended
For school students too it will help in career planning on what career is best suited for them
Clicking the link below will direct to the dedicated comrades platform for the Assessment test where you get six dimensional AI enabled report

Last modified: February 3, 2023