Crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering 2021 easily!
Here we discuss what to do for easily cracking the GATE exam for the Mechanical engineering stream.
Let’s see what are the problems faced by students while preparing for the exam and the solutions for those problems as suggested by coaching experts.
Some of the main problems cited by students who prepare to crack the GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering are as follows.
- Fluid Mechanics is difficult to understand
- Thermodynamics concepts are confusing
- Mathematics problems are difficult to solve
- Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing are vast
- Machines modules are confusing
Fluid Mechanics is difficult to understand
Fluid Mechanics is an important topic in Mechanical Engineering for GATE exam 2021. But students find it really difficult to understand. They keep on trying hard to study it and get exhausted.
The main reason for students to find it difficult is that they do not have a clear idea on how to learn fluid mechanics. Currently, they resort to watching a number of online videos from multiple content creators. Students try to follow the tips and tricks provided by multiple experts simultaneously.
Watching videos created by expert educators is good. But you should have a clear understanding about the exact problem you face and apply a solution for it. Otherwise you will not get the desired outcome for your work and it will lead to disappointment.
The ideal solution for easy learning of Fluid Mechanics is to find a proper guide and follow his path. Rather than going after multiple learning methodologies, you should focus on a single method.
Your guide not only teaches you the core subject, but he also teaches you the tips and tricks to learn the subject effectively. If you combine the tips and tricks that you get from multiple guides, it is going to do more harm than good. You will get confused.
When you accept someone as your guide for a subject, you should keep in mind that, this person is going to guide you until you clear the GATE exams.
Thermodynamics concepts are confusing
Most of the students preparing to crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering are finding it difficult to study Thermodynamics.
It is mainly because they are not able to comprehend the advanced concepts required to answer the GATE Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics questions.
The GATE questions for Mechanical Engineering are designed in such a way that it evaluates a student’s deep knowledge about a subject through a small number of questions. Each question will be as complex as it could be. If only a student has a good hold on the basic concepts of Thermodynamics, he will be able to answer such complex questions.
The only solution for tackling this problem is to start learning from the basics. If you are preparing for GATE 2021, you may not get enough time to start from the basics. But that is not impossible. Follow these simple tips.
How to learn thermodynamics concepts easily?
- Pursue engaged learning of tough concepts;
- Analyse what you already know about the subject;
- Break each tough concept into simple steps;
- Figure out easily understandable examples;
- Analyse the gaps and find out where you are stuck at;
- Explain the concepts to yourself in a simple manner using comparisons;
- List down the facts and figures and connect to logically similar analogies.

Mathematics problems are difficult to solve
What is the best approach for solving Maths questions for GATE exam? The best way is to familiarise all probable types of questions in the syllabus.
In the exam, you will not be asked exactly similar questions. But if you are familiar with the type and complexity, you will be able to answer it easily.
The first step to learn maths is to compartmentalise the questions across each module. Classify the problems into
- Type A (High complexity)
- Type B (Medium complexity)
- Type C (Low complexity)
Secondly, set a target number of questions that you will answer from each of the three types daily. For e.g. 2 questions from Type C, 8 questions from Type B, and 10 questions from Type C. In 10 days you will cover 20 high complexity, 80 medium complexity, and 100 low complexity questions. This type of learning is crucial in order to crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering.

Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing topics are vast
A lot of students who are trying to crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering complain about the vastness of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing topics.
They find it difficult because they don’t know how to effectively study and memorise vast topics.
You can study these subjects only if you inherently develop an interest in these topics and their real-life applications. You can do it by adopting these two techniques in your studies.
- Visualise what you study
- Try to relate what you study to real-life applications
When you are on the constant lookout for solutions, you will try to study the subject deep so that you could use that knowledge to find the solution. Think about how you can improve our lives around. You will find the concepts written in the book useful to help others through real-life applications.

Machines modules are confusing
‘Machines’ is one of the subjects in which you get more number of straight forward questions carrying more weightage. This is a section where you can get more marks to crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering.
But students tend to find it difficult to answer. This is mainly due to overthinking. They expect the questions to be complex and the language of the question may also be mistaken to some extend. This wrong notion about the subject being difficult and complex is inculcated at the time of preparation itself.
You have to declutter your thoughts about the subject and study in an organized manner.
Referring to multiple books simultaneously is not going to help. You have to focus on each topic separately and apply the most effective learning methodology as required.
When you are studying machines, you should have a strong understanding of the basics. For GATE preparation, get the basics right and then delve into the advanced topics. You may not get enough time to learn all the basics from the start. The idea is to correctly identify the root of the advanced topics and focus on it. You will need an expert in GATE coaching to find the root of each advanced topic for you and make your learning easy.

Hope this article has helped you realise the problems that are faced when you try to crack GATE exam for Mechanical Engineering. Analyse the issues and fix it to achieve the winning result. All the best!